Supplement Estonian Yhes 70-ndatel aastatel ilmunud Ylo Kaasiku matemaatikaylesannete kogus 'Lihtsaid ja keerulisi' (neid oli va"hemalt kaks ko"idet) oli seda tyypi ylesanne; algas umbes nii: 'yks x koma x ...' 3 1 4 1 See polnud kyll meeldeja"tmiseks mo~eldud, aga kellel see raamat ka"epa"rast, vo~ib soovi korral sealt leida. From: Toomas Tamm Translation: "In a work of mathematical assignments/problems which appeared during the '70's, put out by U"lo Kaasiku, and named 'Easy Ones and Difficult Ones', of which there were at least 2 editions, there was this typical problem - it began something like this: 'yks x koma x ...' 3 1 4 1 One (u"ks) x comma (koma) x. Not meant as a mnemonic, as Toomas says. Just a convenient device. From: Arved H. Sandstro"m